Sunday, 1 March 2009

Well skipadee-do-dah March has landed on our doorsteps already! Don’t get me wrong, February is a natty little month what with Valentine’s day and pancake day, but I shan’t say that I’ll miss all those cold dark nights and having to scrape mountains of ice off the car windscreen- no sir-ee!

Well yesterday saw us getting together again for a photo shoot after a short break due to Lee getting well and truly zapped with some nasty gastroenteritis type lurgy- poor chapster. But he’s fighting fit now and thankfully we can all get back on course. ( Just want to say BIG thanks to Lou and Claudia for doing us proud with the snaps xx).

As many of you know, we had a major reshuffle towards the end of last year and it feels that Sunsoma, along with all the green shoots of Spring is beginning to emerge. To mark the onset of this most illustrious of seasons, we have some new tracks, new pics and a competition for you to enter!


We were recently contacted by an online teens magazine who found us cos’ we’d done a couple of Oxjam gigs. We’re the featured band this month, so if you wanna have a read of our interview which comes out on March 2nd, you’ll find us at:

The Paper Satellites Competition

O.K back to all things new. How d’you fancy getting all creative? Sunsoma are writing a new song called ‘Paper Satellites’ which was inspired by the thought of sending a message into outer space with the hope that someone might just catch a glimpse of it someday- So here it comes- we want You guys to make a paper satellite and put your own little message on it!
Now, if you’re feeling super flashy you can design, construct and decorate your own satellite completely from scratch, or you can print off one of our ‘paper satellite’ templates and make and decorate that one.
Just follow this link ( and it will take you to our fan network, just look for the competition in the forum, click it and find all the instructions of what to do next!

There are just two rules chaps- Your satellite must be made out of paper or thin card and please keep your mesages wholesome - any rude stuff will be torched.

The competition will run for the next couple of months and the winner will have a picture of their satellite and their name published in our album artwork.

You can send in as many entries as you like, so get cracking and unleash that artistic nature of yours!!

Take care and see you soon Mel xxx.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Ok, now I am signed in under my name instead of Em's, I can comment!!

    wooohooo! So glad you have a blog - am a bit of a blog addict!!!
